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   Welcome to the new rossguy! I know this is the 4th new design, but this is a temporary solution unless everybody likes it. (Its a design that will be built upon) With the old design things displayed weird in browsers other than IE, so the resulting design is what's here for now. (I think I did a pretty good job. Well, its always hard to say you did a bad job when it comes to building web sites)  The links are no longer at the top of each page as a result, but it'll be easy to get around. The jokes section is now the humor section, efrog is now Technology, the Linker is now part of Technology, and Games is now Gamer. Its pretty simple. New are the rossguy Open Directory, News, Sports, and Paint. The ads are now embedded, so you won't be annoyed by those pop-ups. (They're also smaller than normal banner ads, too) Have a nice day!

(click here for further explanation of the new design)

(right: me at a horse ranch in Montana) (I'm the one to the right)


The Return of Mr. Push-Me! If you've been visiting my website since the early days when it was Rossguy's Online Place or in the more recent times of Rossguy Online, you probably remember grouchy Mr. Push- Me. If you do remember you'll be delighted to know he's back, this time in the humor section!

Be a web artist! Remember that lonely paint program under accessories menu? Try the rossguy java applet that I think is quite comparable. With a palette of a ton of color you'll probably like this applet. If not, cheer up yourself in the Arcade. And do remember to have a nice day!


get this gear!


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